Digiu Digital


Digiu Digital was invited to the CX Kick-Off at SAP’s offices in Barcelona along with other strategic partners

During this meeting, we reviewed the achievements of the successful 2023 in SAP Customer Experience (CX) and addressed the strategy for 2024. The goal is clear: Strong growth in both CX and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) areas. The primary focus for this new year is on Artificial Intelligence, which will guide a significant portion of SAP’s investment in these areas. SAP TEAM We want to express our gratitude to the SAP team: Ghafour Charkaoui, Alfonso Garcia, Jaime Rodríguez Bartolomé, María Jesús Santiago Martínez, Marco Trezzi, Carlos Martin, Paolo Duci, Georgia Ferullo Rita, Jose Angel Garcia, Tippy Lotterer, and Gustavo Castro. And on behalf of Digiu Digital: Mayra Falcón Arias, Raquel Jiménez Martín, and Emilio Osete. Let’s go for a successful 2024! Emilio Osete & Mayra Falcon Phygital SAP Team & Partners Kick-Off Meeting Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

Interview with CEO Emilio Osete about the Evolution and Future of Customer Experience

In this post we would like to share with you the interview that IT Trends magazine did with our CEO, Emilio Osete. In it, Emilio addresses the transformation that the company has undergone since its inception and what the trajectory has been like until it became the only consulting firm focused 100% on the implementation of solutions and sale of Customer Experience licenses, SAP’s fastest growing area. , along with BTP. Below I present some of the main reflections of our CEO: Personalization, digital channels and artificial intelligence are key right now. In no time, AI will transform the customer experience. Efficiency is vital, but customer experience is at the heart and will significantly influence the future of business. LEADERS IN SAP CX IN SOUTHERN EUROPE The interview reveals Digiu Digital’s strong position as a leader in digital transformation. A company committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, with a unique ability to anticipate trends, adapt to changes and collaborate closely with our customers to drive success in a constantly evolving digital world. You can watch the entire interview below. https://youtu.be/yylYj36zBPQ Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

From Manual to Digital Excellence: The B2B Evolution

The fusion of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and e-commerce technologies is revolutionizing the very fabric of business operations. In a world where adaptability is the currency of success, the synergy between these two pillars of modern business infrastructure has become a defining factor. Recent research conducted by Deloitte Digital, drawing insights from a comprehensive survey encompassing 530 B2B organizations, has unearthed compelling data that sheds light on this transformative journey. The numbers behind digital transformation According to the research findings, the absence of an efficient digital experience exacts a toll on businesses, with approximately 13% of potential sales slipping through the cracks. It’s a stark reminder that in today’s hyper-competitive B2B landscape, every missed opportunity can translate into a tangible loss. Yet, amidst this challenge, emerges an intriguing revelation – a beacon of hope for enterprises willing to embrace change. Companies that make a strategic investment in the seamless integration of ERP and e-commerce systems, fostering a harmonious and consistent digital experience, reap remarkable rewards. The data unequivocally showcases a staggering 62% surge in the sales of products and services for those who embark on this transformative journey. This statistic serves as a powerful testament to the potential that lies within the strategic alignment of back-office operations and customer-facing digital platforms. It underscores the notion that, in an era driven by digital innovation, the adaptability to meet the evolving needs and expectations of B2B clients is pivotal to sustainable growth and success. What actually drives the adoption of B2B ecommerce is the ease of doing business. Paul do Forno – Managing Director of Deloitte Digital The role of Digiu Digital With over two decades of experience in technology consulting, Digiu Digital is at the forefront of this transformation journey. Leveraging SAP Customer Experience solutions, we build robust technological bridges that seamlessly connect back-office and front-office systems, ensuring a fluid flow of information. What sets Digiu Digital apart is our ability to wield SAP Customer Experience solutions with precision. We engineer data-driven connections that bridge the divide between back-office and front-office systems, creating a unified digital ecosystem where data harmonizes effortlessly across departments.  Comprehensive solutions for digital success Our expertise extends across a diverse spectrum of services, encompassing everything from full-stack development to digital commerce solutions and advanced business intelligence. In addition to our comprehensive service offerings, the survey data underscores a pivotal industry shift. Approximately 45% of respondents in the study have already embarked on the journey of integrating their B2B e-commerce technologies with cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This strategic move represents a significant step towards enhanced efficiency and agility. Furthermore, an additional 35% of participants have articulated their intentions to upgrade their ERP systems in 2024. Notably, these upgrades are part of broader digital transformation initiatives that encompass front-office applications. This trend signifies a resounding recognition among businesses of the profound impact digital evolution can have on their operations. It’s a testament to the proactive stance many organizations are taking in harnessing the full potential of integrated systems. Enhancing customer experience The integration of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with e-commerce platforms extends beyond operational efficiency; it’s a pivotal driver for enhancing the B2B customer experience. This unified system grants customers real-time access to vital information, such as product details, service updates, and delivery schedules. The transparency it provides builds trust and fosters long-term customer loyalty by ensuring reliability and dependability in a competitive landscape. In essence, this integration isn’t just about transactions; it’s about creating a customer experience that resonates on a personal level, where technology serves as an enabler of human-centric relationships. It’s a strategic shift that empowers businesses to connect more meaningfully with their clients and cultivate enduring partnerships. Shaping the future of B2B commerce Digital transformation is fundamental to success in the B2B world. Trust Digiu Digital, an experienced partner on this journey. We elevate operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and ensure your competitive advantage through seamless integration of ERP and e-commerce solutions. Together, we are shaping the future of B2B commerce with concrete data and measurable results.

The Inevitable Rise of Live Shopping in eCommerce

Live Shopping, a revolution initiated by Alibaba’s Taobao Live, is transforming the eCommerce landscape. This approach combines the exciting experience of live shopping with digital convenience and efficiency, establishing itself as a cornerstone in the online sales strategy for modern businesses. This innovation, transcending borders, has proven to be a crucial tool for engaging customers and driving online sales, gaining prominence after 2020. What is Live Shopping? Live Shopping is a business strategy that combines live interaction with the efficiency of online shopping. To implement it, companies must integrate live streams into their digital platforms, allowing consumers to view products and interact in real-time with presenters or influencers. The key to successful Live Shopping includes investing in good lighting to enhance video quality, focusing on specific audiences rather than large masses, and using engagement tools such as exclusive discounts and interactive question-and-answer sessions. The Arrival of Live Shopping in Europe With its expansion, Live Shopping has begun to have a significant presence in the European market. Recognized companies have embraced this trend, attracted by the opportunity to offer dynamic and captivating shopping experiences that replicate the personal interaction of physical stores. Black Shopping, the first multi-brand Live Shopping event, stood out as a successful example, bringing together renowned brands. This event offered significant discounts and demonstrated that Live Shopping can be a catalyst for exponential eCommerce growth, especially during large-scale events like Black Friday. Event on Live Shopping in eCommerce With the ability to create personalized and interactive shopping experiences, Live Shopping is becoming an integral part of online sales strategies. The Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce, with the mediation of Digiu, hosted an event that explored how this trend is shaping the future of eCommerce, positioning itself as a key element in the expansion and growth of the digital sector. You can watch the full conference in the video below. Live Shopping is not just a passing trend but an evolution in the world of eCommerce. It offers a new dimension to online sales strategies, combining advanced technology and interactivity to create unique shopping experiences. Its effective implementation can lead to a significant increase in customer engagement and sales, thus shaping the future of digital commerce.

Leveraging Black Friday in the B2B realm:

Strategies for eCommerce success Gone are the days when Black Friday was exclusive to consumer retail. Thanks to Digital Transformation, a movement driven by tech consultancies like Digiu Digital, the traditional boundaries have been dismantled, allowing B2B businesses to not only participate, but thrive during this period.  COVID-19 has further accelerated the shift, propelling B2B companies to embrace e-commerce, including the adoption of significant dates, such as Black Friday. This occasion presents a golden opportunity for B2B companies to showcase innovative strategies, drive growth, and enhance client engagement in the digital commerce landscape.  Why Black Friday matters for B2B: Increased visibility: Black Friday buzz is a chance to spotlight your B2B brand. Lead Generation: It’s an opportune time to attract new clients through targeted promotions. Strengthening Customer Relationships: Special deals can reinforce loyalty with existing clients, fostering long-term engagement. Crafting a winning B2B Black Friday campaign: Black Friday marketing can be effective for B2B customers, as they also look forward to special shopping conditions. However, it’s crucial to determine whether it fits with the overall strategy of the B2B company and if the company can afford to give discounts without impacting ROI. Additionally, companies should ensure they have the necessary stock and personnel to handle a higher number of orders and that their e-commerce platforms are ready for increased traffic​​. Marketing strategies: B2B marketing for Black Friday should utilize multiple channels, including personalized emails tailored to buyers’ purchasing behavior, detailed newsletters about offers, social media posts to generate excitement, and paid advertising campaigns targeting key buyer segments​​. Black Friday deals in the B2B segment can offer more than just price reductions. They can include extended warranties, additional services, applying deals to specific aspects of their offering, tailoring offers to existing customers to boost average order value, or targeting high-value prospect segments with specialized offers​​. It’s essential to have a holistic campaign that considers various customer touchpoints and delivers a consistent message across channels​​. Considering the operational capacity to handle an influx of users is also vital Automating support, ensuring training materials are up-to-date, and having product education in place for any new offerings are key factors​​ Timing and duration of offers Deciding the right timing for launching offers is crucial. Some brands have found success by starting promotions early or extending them beyond the traditional shopping weekend. Last-minute offers or extensions after competitors have ended their sales can create a sense of urgency and attract customers Learning from success: Insights from successful campaigns provide valuable lessons for those seeking to harness the full potential of this dynamic occasion. A thorough review of past Black Friday campaigns can inform future strategies. Questions such as the best time to launch marketing campaigns, which advertising messages worked best, and which products increased customer interest and sales are crucial. Monitoring the competition’s successes and failures can also provide valuable insights.  Now, let’s dive into some real-life success stories Adobe Systems Incorporated: Targeted B2B campaigns for their digital tools led to a sharp increase in SME subscriptions. Dell Technologies: Custom Black Friday offers for B2B clients spiked their hardware sales by up to 30%. HubSpot: Discounts on digital marketing tools and informative webinars resulted in a 25% rise in new B2B client subscriptions. Shopify Plus: Enhanced features for B2B clients led to a surge in sales, some reporting up to a 50% increase. Seize the opportunity Black Friday is no longer just a retail phenomenon; it’s a strategic opportunity for B2B businesses. By embracing innovative digital strategies, B2B companies can transform this traditional shopping holiday into a profitable venture. Ready to redefine your commerce strategy? Contact Digiu Digital for personalized insights and guidance. Let us help you unlock the full potential of digital commerce!

CCBE sets trend with an event about Live Shopping in eCommerce

The Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce (CCBE) organized an innovative event highlighting the growing trend of Live Shopping in eCommerce. This concept, which emerged with Alibaba’s launch of Taobao Live, blends live shopping experiences with digital technology. Unlike traditional teleshopping, this strategy of commerce connects live broadcasts to digital stores, allowing consumers to view products and interact with presenters or influencers. That way, the public can purchase products in real-time, while they are changing information with sellers and other consumers. About the event During the November 17th event, experts like Pedro Linsey from Vtex, Emilio Osete from Digiu Digital, Fernando Siles from Worten, and Valentín Hernández from Señor Mono discussed how this practice is transforming the online shopping experience, improving customer conversion rates and engagement. Live Shopping creates a sense of urgency and offers real-time interaction, mimicking the personal relationship established in physical stores. The event also highlighted the success of global initiatives like “Black Shopping,” a pioneering concept that takes Live Shopping to a new level by bringing together multiple brands in a single event. This format not only allows consumers to access exclusive offers but also provides brands a powerful platform to position themselves in consumers’ minds as premium options during critical sales periods, like Black Friday. CCBE concluded the event by projecting a future vision of eCommerce, emphasizing the global adoption of Live Shopping as a crucial strategy for market growth and expansion. The recording of the event is available for those interested in integrating this innovative trend into their commercial strategies, offering a valuable opportunity to learn from industry leaders.

AUSAPE CX Group highlights innovation in the e-commerce sector in a virtual event.

Last month, the AUSAPE Customer Experience (CX) working group meeting, organized by Digiu Digital, brought together leaders and experts from the e-commerce sector. This virtual meeting represented a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and gain knowledge about the latest and groundbreaking tools in e-commerce. The virtual session began with a welcome speech by Iciar Balza, the CX group coordinator and eCommerce manager at Gonvarri Industries. Shortly after, Miguel Uhagón, SAP’s CX Solution Expert, highlighted the essential role of SAP Commerce Cloud in the current e-commerce landscape. More than an e-commerce platform, this solution represents a strategic tool for innovation, leveraging valuable data with the aim of improving results and the customer experience in the digital world. SAP also emphasized the crucial importance of “Intelligent CX” to maximize the value of each customer’s lifecycle. This innovative approach not only improves interaction with consumers across all touchpoints but also uses advanced analytics and machine learning to anticipate future customer needs, personalize offers, and optimize business processes in real-time. Breaking language barriers The event also featured a presentation by Emilio Osete, CEO of the Digiu Digital group. Emilio introduced the “”Composable Storefront Multilanguage” product, a tool that emerges as an innovative solution to facilitate standard translation in the language needed for SAP Commerce Cloud. With the promise of automatically translating the SAP Commerce interface into any language in just 24 to 48 hours, the tool stands out as a game-changer for companies seeking to globalize their reach. Having an e-commerce in various languages is also part of a customer experience strategy, understanding that language can be a barrier but also a gateway to new markets. Tools like the “Composable Storefront Multilanguage” seek to facilitate and make this linguistic expansion more profitable. The day, filled with interaction and valuable knowledge, concluded by leaving the attendees with a clearer vision of the future of e-commerce and how to use current tools and solutions to maximize growth potential and expansion in the global market. In times where digitalization and globalization are advancing rapidly, events like AUSAPE CX Group’s become essential meeting points. The lessons shared, along with the innovative solutions presented, set the course for a sector in constant evolution. Now, more than ever, companies have at their disposal tools and strategies to face the challenges of global e-commerce.

Commerce in healthcare sector, Emilio Osete

Digiu Digital shared knowledge in AUSAPE’s webinar “Digital Commerce in Healthcare”.

In this webinar, carried out at the initiative of Digiu Digital in AUSAPE, Emilio Osete – CEO of the Group – presented to the attendees the role of e-commerce in the digital strategy in the healthcare sector, and also explained the steps to launch e-commerce in 1 month and the possible monetization strategies. In short, how to carry out the strategy and implementation, as well as the aspects to consider in each phase of development: how to define priorities for the online channel; product and market development; positioning and differentiation strategies; business model, services and income; organization of internal resources; future growth roadmap; online marketing strategies; organization of channels and tools… Osete also dedicated a few minutes to present Medikus: the health division of the Digiu Group focused on the socio-sanitary ecosystem. In this chapter, Osete briefly explained the success story of Ballesol and the Hospital Information System, which is helping the group of residents to be at the forefront of digitization and patient care and customer service. It was a really interesting webinar that you can listen to here:

The technology fair eShow Madrid 22 brings together more than 8,000 people in its second edition

The long-awaited eShow Madrid 22, the fastest-growing eCommerce and digital marketing event in Europe, held its 2nd edition on October 26th and 27th. More than 8,000 professionals attended the IFEMA fairgrounds in Madrid, showing once again its clear commitment to this booming sector. Publicis Groupe España once again participated in the fair: Publicis Groupe’s commerce division, Publicis Commerce, directed by José Luis Ferrero, organized the first retail media congress and fair, the Retail Media Show, in the Publicis Commerce Theatre. In this space, professionals from different areas shared in various presentations and round tables their vision on this trend, which is growing like crazy in recent times. Major brands such as Coca Cola, Bimbo, Samsung, Mahou, Mondelez and L’Oréal, among others, participated in the conversation, as well as retailers such as WOW, Promofarma, Dia and Carrefour. Also present were leading retail media technology companies such as CitrusAd, Criteo and RelevanC, who presented their latest innovations to accelerate their adoption in Spain. In addition, experts discussed how emerging technologies enable and accelerate the omnichannel of physical and online points of sale through the case of Socloz, for example, or the use of WhatsApp as a transaction and loyalty accelerator with ChatWith.io. Strategies for connecting with Generation Z and female audiences In other round tables, Publicis Commerce brought together spokespeople from brands such as Renault and Samsung to address the issue of the new generations. Initiatives such as JASP (from Renault) or the strategies of the technology company with Ibai Llanos in social networks marked the debate on how to reach young people. The world of healthcare was represented at eShow Madrid 22 by professionals from Haleon, the new commercial name of GSK’s new consumer division, and companies from the social-professional economy such as ILUNION, a reference in the balance between economic and social aspects and a leader in diversity with a business model that is unique in the world. For its part, Stellantis conveyed its vision of how the future of retail will be applied to the purchase of motor vehicles and automobiles, where the influence of digital is not only in the information part but also in the transactional part. Meanwhile, platforms such as ShowroomPrivé Ads presented initiatives that allow them to impact the female audience in a segmented way. As a novelty, Vtex, an ecommerce and innovation company, presented in a native way how its platform allows retail media actions within the platform as well as live shopping as a very successful solution. Pioneering retail media companies star in the second day of eShow Madrid On the second day of eShow Madrid 22, Adigital, Spanish Association of Digital Economy, shared the results of its latest studies to create in Spain an optimal environment for the development and growth of the digital economy, which allows to achieve a more open, competitive and sustainable society. Innovative strategies were also presented, such as that of ebike.es, an e-commerce platform for electric bikes that, thanks to ChatwithIO and its WhatsApp solution, has accelerated its omnichannel sales. Amazon Advertising, a pioneer in retail media, was also present at Theatre Publicis Commerce, and Glovo and Quick Commerce could not miss their space. The heads of the supermarket Dia, which thanks to its initiatives has become one of the most innovative companies in retail media and commerce in general, explained how they have managed to put their platform close to the consumer both with physical stores and through Plaza de Dia on Amazon, as well as through Glovo and its own digital transactional ecosystem. The importance of omnichannel for the future Within the framework of eShow, the companies Spryker and DIGIU Digital also played a leading role. Spryker, a platform specialized in “composable commerce” for companies, launched its predictions for 2023 through one of its CEOs, Alexander Graf. “Many brands are realizing that while Amazon may have been a necessary evil in the past, in the future they will only grow and succeed when they control access to consumers, not through third-party sellers. Having this direct relationship with the consumer will be so important, that many companies will prioritize creating a B2C marketplace of their own, which will not be easy to execute,” he said. Although investment in marketplaces is expected to continue to grow, and it is good to optimize sales, we must consider the buying process from the buyer’s perspective. A proprietary marketplace, including proprietary inventory, is not a small change but a total transformation of the business model, let’s not forget,” he concluded. For his part, Emilio Osete, co-founder and CEO of the DIGIU Digital group, said: “In 2023, in a context of global hyperinflation and after more than 2 years since the pandemic, all companies must review their omnichannel strategies to optimize to the maximum all the buying potential of their customers, who expect an in-store experience that also has to do with delivery options from the online channel, thus demanding a combination of online and retail strategies (Phygital).” “Mobile, social commerce and immersive in-store technology are going to be the levers of growth, where it will be key to navigate in an unstable global economic environment, with multiple strategies in parallel. And in this context, personalization will be key to increasing customer engagement with the brand,” he said. Black Friday, an opportunity for e-commerce businesses The keys to Black Friday and e-commerce in 2023 were also discussed at another table moderated by Prestashop and attended by Product Hackers, MaterialEscolar.es and The Sensory Lab. Topics such as Growth Hacking, sensory experiences at the physical point of sale and competing with the big names in eCommerce by being a specialist store were part of the debate. New trends and innovations also had their place with Ghop, a Spanish smart store model that operates autonomously; Tiendeo, the geopositioned communication solution for promotions and brochures of physical retailers, as well as the upcoming opening of the Czech food specialist, Sezamo, which will open in Madrid soon with its market purchasing solution with more than …

The technology fair eShow Madrid 22 brings together more than 8,000 people in its second edition Read More »

The future of e-commerce after the metaverse

Imagine walking into a store completely designed and customized for you, with detailed lighting and visual aesthetics complementing each piece of clothing you try on. Or being able to test how a new piece of furniture would look in your home before buying it. And the best thing is that there would be no shipping costs or delivery time, you could do everything from the comfort of your home – everything would be virtual. The metaverse, a highly immersive virtual world that seemed a futuristic utopia, has left the pages of science fiction books and become a reality with a predicted $800 billion market opportunity by 2024, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. While the internet is generally seen as a place to buy items or consume information, the Metaverse is all about experiences, taking part in activities such as games, social interaction, learning, training, and exploring virtual spaces. It is still in the early stages but we are beginning to see glimpses of the future and how it will look and feel to shop on web 3.0. Its emergence, along with artificial intelligence, social commerce, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), cryptocurrency, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), is already impacting brand strategies. For instance, several companies have launched AR and VR applications to help buyers test and shop their products, providing “phygital” experiences. This has led to some great results for brands like the e-commerce company eBay, which created an entire department store through Virtual Reality, where users can wear the glasses and visit the environment, customizing the products to meet their interests. Some major companies have already begun capitalizing on Metaverse through advertised placements such as virtual billboards but also developing experiences. Coca-Cola, for example, launched the Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Byte. The product already existed in the virtual universe and the company decided to bring it also to the physical world in a limited edition. The cans offered Augmented Reality (AR) and gaming experiences. Luxury brands are also taking advantage of this new trend and seem to have been the pioneers of marketing actions in the metaverse, especially for games. Balenciaga developed four virtual outfits that could wear avatars in the online game Fortnite. However, the company was not restricted to the virtual. The brand took the opportunity to launch a physical collection based on the game that included pieces such as hoodies and hats. To enter the metaverse, in 2021 Nike announced the purchase of RTFKT, a company that manufactures digital sneakers using NFT (non-fungible tokens), blockchain authentication, and augmented reality. The goal was to be able to connect its physical sneakers to the digital versions. In addition, Nike has also launched its virtual world on the online video game platform Roblox, Nikeland. Ralph Lauren has also created a digital environment within the Roblox platform. Named Winter Scape, the experience area features ice skating and allows visitors to buy clothes. The space had more than 1 million visitors. It has been proven that these new technologies can be a very effective way to engage with customers. By leveraging the technology of the metaverse, especially the complete freedom from physical boundaries, businesses can extend their presence and engage with customers. Due to the proliferation of these new shopping and payment experiences, and an active community of new entrants (especially Gen Z, that generally prefers digital shopping and digital experiences), the future of e-commerce presents a lot of possibilities but also a big challenge for businesses: How do you get your customers’ attention when they are being exposed to so many brands, products, and services and in so many devices, apps, and social media? This abundance of channels has created an ecosystem in which, to remain competitive, companies will have to be increasingly customer-centric and focused on hyper-personalization and customer experience.