Digiu Digital


Digiu Digital was invited to the CX Kick-Off at SAP’s offices in Barcelona along with other strategic partners

During this meeting, we reviewed the achievements of the successful 2023 in SAP Customer Experience (CX) and addressed the strategy for 2024. The goal is clear: Strong growth in both CX and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) areas. The primary focus for this new year is on Artificial Intelligence, which will guide a significant portion of SAP’s investment in these areas. SAP TEAM We want to express our gratitude to the SAP team: Ghafour Charkaoui, Alfonso Garcia, Jaime RodrĂ­guez BartolomĂ©, MarĂ­a JesĂșs Santiago MartĂ­nez, Marco Trezzi, Carlos Martin, Paolo Duci, Georgia Ferullo Rita, Jose Angel Garcia, Tippy Lotterer, and Gustavo Castro. And on behalf of Digiu Digital: Mayra FalcĂłn Arias, Raquel JimĂ©nez MartĂ­n, and Emilio Osete. Let’s go for a successful 2024! Emilio Osete & Mayra Falcon Phygital SAP Team & Partners Kick-Off Meeting Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

Descubre la RevoluciĂłn de la IA en el Comercio ElectrĂłnico con ISS

AI’s Game-Changing Role in E-Commerce – The Real Inside Story

The digital commerce space is a dynamic and competitive landscape where businesses continually seek to innovate and improve their customer engagement. One of the most significant advancements in this space is the emergence of Intelligent Selling Services (ISS) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). What are Intelligent Selling Services? Intelligent Selling Services (ISS) are systems designed to enhance the online shopping experience through personalized product recommendations. These services leverage AI, specifically machine learning algorithms, to analyze and understand customer behavior, including browsing patterns and purchase history. By doing so, ISS can predict customer preferences and suggest products that are more likely to be of interest to each shopper. AI as the driving force At the core of ISS lies Artificial Intelligence, a technology that mimics human cognition to make decisions and improve over time. AI in ISS is responsible for: Data Analysis: AI processes vast amounts of data to identify trends and customer preferences. Learning from interactions: Every customer interaction is an opportunity for the AI to learn and refine its recommendations. Automation: AI automates the process of cross-selling and upselling, making it more efficient. Importance of ISS in Today’s Market In the current market, customer expectations are higher than ever. They seek not just products, but personalized experiences that make shopping convenient and enjoyable. ISS meets these expectations by: Enhancing customer engagement: ISS keeps customers engaged by showing them products that align with their interests. Increasing sales opportunities: Personalized recommendations can lead to the discovery of new products, increasing the potential for sales. Streamlining the shopping experience: By understanding customer needs, ISS simplifies the path to purchase. Digiu Digital’s role in ISS Implementation Digiu Digital, with its expertise in digital transformation and e-commerce, is uniquely positioned to implement ISS solutions for businesses looking to upgrade their digital commerce strategies. Here’s how Digiu Digital aligns with ISS:   SAP Customer Experience (CX) solutions: as experts in SAP Customer Experience, Digiu Digital can integrate ISS within the existing digital infrastructure of a business, ensuring a seamless CX. Customization and personalization: Digiu Digital’s approach to ISS is highly personalized, tailoring solutions to each business’s unique needs and customer behaviors. Ongoing support and optimization: the consultancy provides continuous support and uses business intelligence to optimize ISS functionalities, ensuring that the recommendations remain relevant and effective. The integration of Intelligent Selling Services into e-commerce platforms is more than just a trend; it’s a transformative step towards more intelligent, customer-centric shopping experiences. As businesses strive to remain competitive, the expertise of Digiu Digital in deploying AI-powered solutions like ISS is invaluable. By embracing ISS, businesses can not only meet the demands of the digital-savvy consumer but also pave the way for increased sales, enhanced customer loyalty, and a more robust digital commerce presence.

Interview with CEO Emilio Osete about the Evolution and Future of Customer Experience

In this post we would like to share with you the interview that IT Trends magazine did with our CEO, Emilio Osete. In it, Emilio addresses the transformation that the company has undergone since its inception and what the trajectory has been like until it became the only consulting firm focused 100% on the implementation of solutions and sale of Customer Experience licenses, SAP’s fastest growing area. , along with BTP. Below I present some of the main reflections of our CEO: Personalization, digital channels and artificial intelligence are key right now. In no time, AI will transform the customer experience. Efficiency is vital, but customer experience is at the heart and will significantly influence the future of business. LEADERS IN SAP CX IN SOUTHERN EUROPE The interview reveals Digiu Digital’s strong position as a leader in digital transformation. A company committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, with a unique ability to anticipate trends, adapt to changes and collaborate closely with our customers to drive success in a constantly evolving digital world. You can watch the entire interview below. https://youtu.be/yylYj36zBPQ Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

The Inevitable Rise of Live Shopping in eCommerce

Live Shopping, a revolution initiated by Alibaba’s Taobao Live, is transforming the eCommerce landscape. This approach combines the exciting experience of live shopping with digital convenience and efficiency, establishing itself as a cornerstone in the online sales strategy for modern businesses. This innovation, transcending borders, has proven to be a crucial tool for engaging customers and driving online sales, gaining prominence after 2020. What is Live Shopping? Live Shopping is a business strategy that combines live interaction with the efficiency of online shopping. To implement it, companies must integrate live streams into their digital platforms, allowing consumers to view products and interact in real-time with presenters or influencers. The key to successful Live Shopping includes investing in good lighting to enhance video quality, focusing on specific audiences rather than large masses, and using engagement tools such as exclusive discounts and interactive question-and-answer sessions. The Arrival of Live Shopping in Europe With its expansion, Live Shopping has begun to have a significant presence in the European market. Recognized companies have embraced this trend, attracted by the opportunity to offer dynamic and captivating shopping experiences that replicate the personal interaction of physical stores. Black Shopping, the first multi-brand Live Shopping event, stood out as a successful example, bringing together renowned brands. This event offered significant discounts and demonstrated that Live Shopping can be a catalyst for exponential eCommerce growth, especially during large-scale events like Black Friday. Event on Live Shopping in eCommerce With the ability to create personalized and interactive shopping experiences, Live Shopping is becoming an integral part of online sales strategies. The Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce, with the mediation of Digiu, hosted an event that explored how this trend is shaping the future of eCommerce, positioning itself as a key element in the expansion and growth of the digital sector. You can watch the full conference in the video below. Live Shopping is not just a passing trend but an evolution in the world of eCommerce. It offers a new dimension to online sales strategies, combining advanced technology and interactivity to create unique shopping experiences. Its effective implementation can lead to a significant increase in customer engagement and sales, thus shaping the future of digital commerce.

Incorporating AI into CRM to Engage Customers

Incorporating AI into CRM to Engage Customers: A Game-Changing Strategy

Incorporating AI into CRM to Engage Customers: A Game-Changing Strategy As businesses aim to increase customer engagement and satisfaction, they are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. So, how can AI be incorporated into CRM to engage customers? Here are some key ways: Personalized Recommendations: AI algorithms can analyze customer data and behavior to provide personalized product recommendations. By tracking customers’ browsing and purchasing habits, AI can suggest products that are likely to interest them. This can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and satisfaction. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide customers with 24/7 assistance, answering frequently asked questions, providing product information, and offering support. This can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the workload on customer service teams. Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze customer data to identify patterns and predict future behavior. By analyzing factors such as purchasing habits, website interactions, and social media activity, AI can predict which customers are most likely to make a purchase or which ones may be at risk of leaving. This can help businesses take proactive measures to retain customers and increase sales. Sentiment Analysis: AI can analyze customer feedback, including reviews, social media posts, and support tickets, to determine the sentiment behind the communication. This can help businesses identify areas for improvement and take corrective action to address customer concerns. Personalized Communication: AI can be used to automate personalized communication with customers, such as sending targeted emails, push notifications, and SMS messages. By tailoring communication to the individual customer’s interests and behavior, businesses can increase engagement and build stronger relationships. Salesforce and SAP are two examples of companies that provide AI-powered solutions to help businesses engage with their customers more effectively. Salesforce Einstein GPT allows businesses to personalize customer experiences, automate workflows, and gain insights into customer behavior. Similarly, SAP Customer Experience uses AI to analyze customer interactions across multiple channels, creating a more complete picture of each customer and enabling businesses to provide tailored recommendations and personalized experiences.  Incorporating AI into CRM can transform the way businesses interact with their customers, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction. As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for improving customer experiences are endless. By embracing AI, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and create a more engaging and personalized customer experience. If you want to improve customer engagement and create personalized experiences that keep them coming back, contact us and find out how we can help. With our expertise and innovative approach, we’re ready to help your company stand out from the competition and create a more engaging and personalized customer experience. Incorporating AI into CRM can transform the way businesses interact with their customers, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction.

The Power of Cloud Computing in Driving Digital Transformation for Businesses

Exploring the Key Benefits and Challenges of Adopting Cloud Technology for Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings In today’s fast-paced business environment, digital transformation is critical for companies to remain competitive. One of the most significant drivers of digital transformation is cloud computing, which enables businesses to access applications and store data from anywhere in the world using any device with an internet connection. By adopting cloud technology, businesses can save on capital expenses and scale their operations quickly without the need to invest in new hardware every time they need extra capacity. Here are the main benefits of investing in cloud computing: Cost Savings: Cloud computing eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware, resulting in significant cost savings for businesses. Scalability: Businesses can quickly and easily scale their operations up or down depending on their needs without investing in new hardware. Flexibility: Cloud computing enables businesses to access their data and applications from anywhere in the world using any device with an internet connection. Security: Cloud providers offer multiple layers of security, including encryption, firewalls, and other measures to protect against cyber attacks and data breaches. Disaster Recovery: Cloud providers offer redundant backups, ensuring that if one copy of data is lost, another copy is readily available. Collaboration: Cloud computing makes it easy for teams to collaborate and share resources in real-time, regardless of their location. Cloud computing is beneficial for all kinds of business. It helps Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises can reduce costs and increase productivity by providing access to advanced technology without a large IT budget. For startups, cloud computing provides the ability to quickly and easily scale their operations up or down as needed. Big companies and remote teams benefit from cloud computing as it enables them to access data and applications from anywhere in the world, which is essential for businesses that have employees working from home or in different locations. However, there are several challenges in adopting cloud technology. Here are the key challenges that businesses should consider: Security Concerns: Cloud computing requires businesses to entrust their data to a third-party provider, which can be a concern for companies that handle sensitive data. Internet Connectivity: Cloud computing requires a reliable internet connection to access data and applications, which can be a challenge for businesses in areas with limited or unreliable internet access. Migration Costs: Moving to the cloud can be expensive and time-consuming, especially for businesses with a large amount of data or complex systems. Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating cloud technology with existing systems can be challenging, as it requires businesses to ensure that their existing infrastructure is compatible with cloud technology. Lack of Control: Cloud computing can give businesses less control over their data and systems, as they are relying on a third-party provider to manage these resources. To successfully navigate the challenges associated with adopting cloud technology, businesses need to carefully research and select the right cloud provider and technology partner to help guide them through their digital transformation journey. This is where Digiu Digital comes in – our team of experienced experts are skilled in bringing businesses from the offline world to the digital world, with a wide range of services to support your company’s unique needs. Whether you’re looking for digital commerce strategies and solutions, digital products, streamline data and CRM, implement microservices or an application management services (AMS) partner, we’ve got you covered. With our comprehensive range of solutions, we can help you leverage the power of technology to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and stay ahead of the competition. By adopting cloud technology, businesses can save on capital expenses and scale their operations quickly without the need to invest in new hardware every time they need extra capacity.

Image with asap update logo

Everything you need to know about SAP Commerce update

2022 has come to an end, and if you’re a SAP Commerce user, you’re probably well aware that the end of maintenance for previous versions is approaching. This means that if you still haven’t updated your software, you’ll no longer be able to receive support or security updates from SAP. It’s essential that you take action now to ensure that your business is prepared for this change. What is SAP Commerce? SAP Commerce is a software solution designed for businesses to manage and improve their online sales and customer engagement. It provides a range of features such as e-commerce, order management, customer service, and marketing automation, among others. It is a powerful tool for businesses that want to optimize their online presence and enhance customer experience. Why is there an upgrade? SAP Commerce is constantly evolving and improving to meet the changing needs of businesses and their customers. As a result, SAP regularly releases updates and new versions of the software to add new features and fix any issues. These updates are necessary to ensure that the software continues to work effectively and securely. Why should I upgrade my software ASAP – as soon as possible? Staying with the implemented version may seem like the default strategy for many companies, and certainly saves them from making the decision or investing the effort involved in upgrading. However, the problems will start to appear when the end of maintenance passes, and the version in operation by the company increasingly becomes an older, unsupported product. It is likely that the underlying code and infrastructure will also become obsolete. For example, with the release of SAP Commerce 1905 came support for Java 11 and Spring frameworks; these problems may not affect the currently deployed platform but may add complexity and cost. Upgrading to the latest version will provide access to the latest features and improvements, which can help businesses to stay competitive and meet customer demands. Also, it is essential to ensure the security of the software. SAP releases updates to fix any security vulnerabilities, and upgrading will ensure that your business is protected against potential threats. When is the end of maintenance for previous versions planned? The end of the maintenance period for previous versions of SAP Commerce Cloud and On-Premise is currently planned for March and August of 2023, and May 2024. This means that businesses have until these dates to upgrade to the latest version and continue receiving support from SAP. What are the challenges to updating the software? Keeping up with the latest versions and upgrade schedules, especially for IT departments that have all kinds of systems and infrastructure to maintain, is a challenge. Understanding how the upgrade implementation will impact the business (in terms of testing, downtime and risk of failure) takes time and effort, and many companies simply cannot or do not want to invest the budget and time for this. Major upgrades are more of a challenge, especially for customers with significantly customized implementations of SAP Commerce. In addition to the effort involved in deploying and testing, the new version of SAP Commerce comes with new capabilities and functionalities that can either replace the customizations currently implemented or enable new features that add value and provide new experiences for customers. Why update with Digiu Digital Updating is vital to ensuring the continuity and security of your business. Digiu Digital Group is the right partner to help you in this process. We started working with Hybris in 2013, long before its acquisition by SAP which later transformed the system and renamed it to SAP Commerce. We are SAP Silver Partner, with a lot of SAP Commerce Certified Professionals in-house, who are equipped to handle the complexities of SAP Commerce upgrades. We understand the importance of ensuring that your e-commerce platform is fully functional and stable after the update, and we take great care to ensure that all aspects of the upgrade are thoroughly tested and verified to ensure a smooth and successful transition. ASAP Update Going through the traditional upgrade process can be time-consuming and risky. That’s where ASAP Update comes in. ASAP Upgrade is an exclusive methodology designed by Digiu Digital and Meisters Solutions to help businesses quickly and continuously upgrade their SAP Commerce platform with minimal risk and execution time. Whether upgrading to an On-Premise version or upgrading to the Commerce Cloud. With ASAP Update, you can quickly and easily upgrade your software to the latest version, ensuring that your business is fully up-to-date and ready to face the challenges of the future. Benefits of ASAP Update Quick and easy upgrades: With ASAP Update, you can upgrade your SAP Commerce platform in as little as four weeks, depending on the complexity of your system. This means that you can quickly and easily get your business up-to-date without worrying about disruptions to your operations. Minimal risk: Updating your SAP Commerce platform can be risky, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. ASAP Update minimizes this risk by providing you with a team of experienced professionals who will handle the entire upgrade process for you. Continuous updates: With ASAP Update, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date with the latest version of SAP Commerce at all times. This means that you’ll always have access to the latest features and functionality, helping you stay ahead of the competition.

Digiu Digital Group relies on different business lines to personalize customer service

In order to continue evolving and always be ahead of the demands of the technology market, the Digiu Digital Group is increasingly consolidating its business lines, segmenting its services and clients to better meet each demand in a personalized way. Digiu Digital, Meisters Solutions and Medikus Health Tech Ecosystem are the companies that make the group, all sharing the same values: Passion – we are committed, engaged and inspired. Innovation – we are constantly growing, learning and evolving, to always bring ideas to the development of new products, promote new business models, offer new services and improve our customers’ processes. Expertise – We embrace and pride ourselves on our competence and experience and are always improving our knowledge to continue being experts and driving change. Digiu Digital is the holding and consultancy business line, specialist in digital transformation, digital commerce and customer experience. It helps businesses to automate and modernize their processes. Medikus Health Tech Ecosystem was created to attend to the digital demands of the health sector, focused on technological solutions for healthcare process management. Meisters Solutions, the digital development business line, is the first company of the Group. It was founded in 2001 under the name Flieger Software, focusing on software development for the B2B market. History In 2006, Flieger started working with Hybris, long before its acquisition by SAP. Because of its expertise with Hybris, in 2010 Flieger became part of FH, a SAP consulting company. In the following years, Flieger and FH grew and gained more and more recognition: – became the first SAP partner to achieve all SAP Hybris certifications – the Flieger Commerce accelerator was launched and became unique worldwide certified by SAP as an OEM. – In 2017 there was an expansion of the business with the creation of FH International, at that time the company had customers throughout Europe and Latin America and became a leader in those markets for E-Commerce and Hybris. – the company has launched several products certified by SAP, such as Flieger CX Suite and Flieger Plug and Play. – Was awarded at the SAP Global Meeting in Rome, as “SAP Strategic CX Partner” in 2019. In that same year, Digiu Digital was founded and FH was acquired by NTT Data Business Solutions. After the acquisition, Digiu remained an independent brand with an exclusive partnership with NTT in Europe, and Flieger rebranded to Meisters Solutions. In 2021 Medikus was created. Although its solutions have been helping companies for years, under Meisters and Digiu’s management, the company was created formally only in 2021 after incorporating Medikus Marketplace into its portfolio, an innovative solution that allows health business purchasing processes to be managed digitally in a cloud environment. Summing up all this history, the Digiu Digital Group has a unique background: +20 years of history +16 years working with e-commerce and digital commerce Delivered projects in +15 countries In its portfolio, composed of more than 500 digital projects, and more than 250 projects specific for e-commerce, the group has already served large clients, and leaders in their respective industries, such as Logista, Johnson & Johnson, Hering, Adveo, Dufry, Gonvarri Industries, Leroy Merlin, among many others. Willy Möller, Meisters founder, CDO and Senior Partner of the Group is very enthusiastic about the division in different business lines, according to him “separating the processes is very important so that we can give all the attention and structure that our customers need”. EmĂ­lio Osete, Co-Founder and CEO of Digiu Digital explains: “Each company has its own processes and leadership, but they still share knowledge, human resources and technical skills. This ensures that we can offer our customers a complete and personalized service, which combines consulting, strategy, services and development in different technologies, in addition to maintaining a close and lasting relationship”. Joel Bezerra took over as CEO of Meisters Solutions earlier this year after having worked for years as a Project Manager at Flieger/FH/NTT. He is responsible for all the operations of the company in Brazil and says “with this better organization and definition of the roles of each business, Meisters was able to expand and create other initiatives, such as our Fintech Unit. We are growing continuously as a software development company whose goal is to become part of our customers’ infrastructure”.

This article was entirely written by an artificial intelligence

Do you find it amazing or frightening to know that it is not possible to determine whether this is true or not? In recent years there have been remarkable advancements in technology. We are on the cusp of a new era, with artificial intelligence, virtual reality, metaverse, big data, and other cutting-edge technologies beginning to transform the way we live. They are also having a major impact on businesses, accelerating change in every industry. Even though it seems to be hard and costly at first, businesses that invest in them are seeing significantly greater returns than those that don’t. This transformation can have many benefits for the companies, for example by reducing the time spent on operational activities. Artificial intelligence can be used to automate routine processes and tasks and reduce human error, while virtual and augmented reality can create immersive experiences. The metaverse, for instance, is a new frontier for businesses. This burgeoning virtual world is full of new opportunities for companies to engage with their customers and employees. As the consumers are embracing these new technologies and becoming increasingly immersed in brand experiences across devices, the commerce market is being especially impacted. These technological advancements are creating a revolution in commerce that will forever change the way we shop from both online and offline channels. The lines of distinction between online and offline are blurring in the digital world. The merger of physical and digital experiences, known as “phygital”, reduces the friction between real-world shopping experiences and e-commerce. New virtual and augmented experiences are being designed to meet customer needs in the most effective way. Moreover, this new world of Phygital Commerce also exposes consumers to more brands, products, and services than ever before. The abundance of digital devices, apps, and social media has created an ecosystem that continues to innovate at a rapid pace. As a result, customers have more choices than ever before when it comes to where they spend their money, and competing for their attention can be an increasingly complex challenge. Therefore, the personalization of the customer experience has stood out as a major differential. According to research by McKinsey & Company, 71% of consumers expect businesses to deliver personalized interactions. And 76% are frustrated when it doesn’t happen. But delivering a customer experience that delights and engages consumers requires technology, data, and resources to design, deliver and monitor. Digiu Digital Group can provide your company with the right technologies and tools for this. For more than 16 years our experts have been helping businesses to automate and modernize their processes, and to build their strategic capabilities focused on customer experience. If you need to develop a solution that requires forward-thinking, agile teams and a partner with real expertise, then give us a call! What does the future hold for these new technologies? What innovations will we see in the years to come? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: the world is changing, and technology is leading the way. Did you like this article? Like, comment, and share with your friends 😉

The future of e-commerce after the metaverse

Imagine walking into a store completely designed and customized for you, with detailed lighting and visual aesthetics complementing each piece of clothing you try on. Or being able to test how a new piece of furniture would look in your home before buying it. And the best thing is that there would be no shipping costs or delivery time, you could do everything from the comfort of your home – everything would be virtual. The metaverse, a highly immersive virtual world that seemed a futuristic utopia, has left the pages of science fiction books and become a reality with a predicted $800 billion market opportunity by 2024, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. While the internet is generally seen as a place to buy items or consume information, the Metaverse is all about experiences, taking part in activities such as games, social interaction, learning, training, and exploring virtual spaces. It is still in the early stages but we are beginning to see glimpses of the future and how it will look and feel to shop on web 3.0. Its emergence, along with artificial intelligence, social commerce, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), cryptocurrency, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), is already impacting brand strategies. For instance, several companies have launched AR and VR applications to help buyers test and shop their products, providing “phygital” experiences. This has led to some great results for brands like the e-commerce company eBay, which created an entire department store through Virtual Reality, where users can wear the glasses and visit the environment, customizing the products to meet their interests. Some major companies have already begun capitalizing on Metaverse through advertised placements such as virtual billboards but also developing experiences. Coca-Cola, for example, launched the Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Byte. The product already existed in the virtual universe and the company decided to bring it also to the physical world in a limited edition. The cans offered Augmented Reality (AR) and gaming experiences. Luxury brands are also taking advantage of this new trend and seem to have been the pioneers of marketing actions in the metaverse, especially for games. Balenciaga developed four virtual outfits that could wear avatars in the online game Fortnite. However, the company was not restricted to the virtual. The brand took the opportunity to launch a physical collection based on the game that included pieces such as hoodies and hats. To enter the metaverse, in 2021 Nike announced the purchase of RTFKT, a company that manufactures digital sneakers using NFT (non-fungible tokens), blockchain authentication, and augmented reality. The goal was to be able to connect its physical sneakers to the digital versions. In addition, Nike has also launched its virtual world on the online video game platform Roblox, Nikeland. Ralph Lauren has also created a digital environment within the Roblox platform. Named Winter Scape, the experience area features ice skating and allows visitors to buy clothes. The space had more than 1 million visitors. It has been proven that these new technologies can be a very effective way to engage with customers. By leveraging the technology of the metaverse, especially the complete freedom from physical boundaries, businesses can extend their presence and engage with customers. Due to the proliferation of these new shopping and payment experiences, and an active community of new entrants (especially Gen Z, that generally prefers digital shopping and digital experiences), the future of e-commerce presents a lot of possibilities but also a big challenge for businesses: How do you get your customers’ attention when they are being exposed to so many brands, products, and services and in so many devices, apps, and social media? This abundance of channels has created an ecosystem in which, to remain competitive, companies will have to be increasingly customer-centric and focused on hyper-personalization and customer experience.