Digiu Digital

Javier Martin

Rumbo a la Transformación Digital Industrial

El Proceso de Transformación Digital de las Empresas Empieza Cambiando Culturas y Definiendo Estrategias El sector industrial ha experimentado profundas transformaciones en las últimas décadas debido a la llegada y democratización de tecnologías disruptivas como las TICs, IoT, IA, y automatizaciones. La pandemia del Sars-Cov-2 aceleró este proceso, obligando a muchas industrias a digitalizar sus servicios para seguir atendiendo la demanda de sus clientes. En este contexto, Gonvarri Industries ha liderado con éxito su transformación digital. Tabla de Contenido Relevancia y Retos de la Transformación Digital En este contexto, Gonvarri Industries, empresa líder en el sector de acero y aluminio, presente en 19 países, con 45 fábricas, 20 centros de distribución y más de 6,000 empleados, puso en marcha su proyecto de transformación digital. En 2019, la empresa no poseía un canal de e-Commerce B2B, aunque ya se planteaba la posibilidad de implementarlo. La pandemia de COVID-19 supuso el impulso definitivo para lanzar el proyecto. Como en muchas empresas industriales, los únicos procesos digitalizados eran los pedidos electrónicos, procesados vía EDI utilizando ERP. No había canales comerciales B2B online, razón por la cual el equipo de Digiu Digital planteó la creación de un e-Commerce y un Marketplace B2B para conectar fabricantes, proveedores y clientes. Estrategia y Metodología El paso siguiente fue definir las estrategias, metodología y plazos del proyecto. Para ello, la consultora adoptó la metodología Agile, y el proyecto fue segmentado en “milestones” y “waves” a fin de garantizar el funcionamiento de los canales digitales en el menor tiempo posible. El objetivo era implementar de forma gradual la transformación digital en todas las plantas de producción para minimizar los riesgos y no comprometer los plazos de entrega. Dicho en otras palabras, el fraccionamiento del proyecto creó un ambiente de aprendizaje y colaboración, previendo riesgos y retrasos. El primer e-Commerce fue implementado en Burgos (Wave 1), y tras su pleno funcionamiento, Digiu Digital implementó el Go Live en el resto de plantas en España (Waves 2 – 4). Como en muchas empresas industriales, los únicos procesos digitalizados eran los pedidos electrónicos, procesados vía EDI utilizando ERP. No había canales comerciales B2B online, razón por la cual el equipo de Digiu Digital planteó la creación de un e-Commerce y un Marketplace B2B para conectar fabricantes, proveedores y clientes. La pandemia de COVID-19 supuso el impulso definitivo para lanzar el proyecto de transformación digital de Gonvarri Industries, llevando a la implementación de un e-Commerce y un Marketplace B2B para conectar fabricantes, proveedores y clientes. Beneficios Económicos y Operativos La segmentación de los canales online permitió anticipar los beneficios económicos del e-Commerce, además de prevenir problemas. El equipo aprendió en microescala, escalando posteriormente las soluciones digitales hacia otros territorios, una vez que comprendieron el modus operandi de la empresa, garantizando la eficiencia y la excelencia del proyecto. Otro aspecto relevante fue el uso de la información proporcionada por los propios clientes en los canales digitales, lo que permitió personalizar el servicio de venta y postventa. Esta información facilitó diseñar acciones de marketing basadas en datos reales. La digitalización y automatización de procesos y servicios pre-venta, venta y post-venta aportaron eficiencia y calidad a las interacciones entre Gonvarri y sus clientes. Un resultado notable fue el incremento de la facturación, convirtiéndose el proyecto en un caso de éxito a nivel interno. Impacto Financiero Respecto a los beneficios económicos, el resultado fue un incremento del 20% en el volumen de ventas online en el primer año de funcionamiento del e-Commerce (2020), en el cual Gonvarri registró una facturación de €1,16M. Los canales online produjeron un beneficio de €232 mil en 2020. En 2021, las ventas online alcanzaron el 35%, con una facturación alrededor de €3M (€1,05 M del e-Commerce). En el primer cuatrimestre de 2022, las ventas online se estabilizaron en un 30%, aunque hubo un incremento de la facturación a €4,43M, revelando una recuperación económica del sector posterior a la pandemia (€1,3 M en ventas online). Las previsiones para 2023 son de €10,5M anuales, €10,7M en 2024 y €71,2M anuales en 2025. Si la participación de ventas online se mantiene en torno al 30%, Gonvarri anticipa una facturación de aproximadamente €30M a través de los canales online en 5 años, subrayando los beneficios económicos del proyecto. Cambio Cultural y Transformación Los resultados positivos contribuyeron a consolidar un cambio cultural en Gonvarri respecto a la transformación digital, entendiendo que las herramientas y metodologías online no sustituyen los procesos offline, sino que los complementan de manera gradual y sinérgica. Es importante destacar el papel de Digiu Digital, cuyo equipo fue responsable de integrar, automatizar y complementar algunos de los procesos y servicios de los canales de e-Commerce, marketing y back office, creando nuevas oportunidades de negocios y personalizando los servicios de pre-venta, venta y post-venta. La integración entre ERP y CRM mejoró la eficiencia de los procesos de backoffice, y el desarrollo de APIs y herramientas de análisis de datos permitió calificar y personalizar las interacciones con los clientes, convirtiendo los datos en una fuente importante de información para la toma de decisiones estratégicas. El resultado fue el incremento de las ventas online, de la facturación y, no menos importante, un cambio de cultura respecto a la transformación digital. Los resultados positivos contribuyeron a consolidar un cambio cultural en Gonvarri respecto a la transformación digital, entendiendo que las herramientas y metodologías online no sustituyen los procesos offline, sino que los complementan de manera gradual y sinérgica. Conclusión No obstante los beneficios, a lo largo del proceso hubo retos que exigieron creatividad y experiencia del equipo Digiu Digital. Entre ellos se destacaron la necesidad de adaptar la tecnología a los procesos existentes y la resistencia al cambio dentro de la organización. En resumen, el éxito de Gonvarri es consecuencia, en parte, de la experiencia de Digiu Digital: consultora líder en Customer Experience en España, partner de SAP, entre otros, y promotora del grupo de CX en AUSAPE. Con más de 20 años de experiencia, una cartera de más de 500 clientes y un equipo de casi …

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Digiu Digital at the SAP Innovation Day for CX Spain 2024 in Barcelona

We had the pleasure of attending the SAP Innovation Day for CX Spain 2024, held at the iconic America’s Cup BCN in Barcelona. As one of the highlighted sponsors of the event, Digiu Digital joined industry leaders and technology experts to explore the latest innovations in customer experience. IMPRESSIVE ATTENDANCE The event attracted over 500 industry professionals, including business leaders, technology experts, and representatives from sponsoring companies. The impressive attendance demonstrated the interest and relevance of the topics discussed. Many of our clients were present, including Estrella Galicia, Logista, Abacus, and Actiu. It was inspiring to see so many forward-thinking companies gathered to learn and share their experiences. INNOVATIONS IN CX Throughout the day, strategies for intelligent CX and the circular economy were presented, along with several success stories from prominent companies. It was inspiring to see how artificial intelligence can elevate the customer experience, driving success in sales, commerce, customer service, and marketing. A highlight of the day was the presentation by Pau Virós, E-Commerce Manager at Abacus, who spoke about the success of our B2B E-Commerce project. His words reflected the positive impact our solutions are having in the market, and we are proud to collaborate with them on their journey towards digital transformation. Artificial intelligence can elevate the customer experience, driving success in sales, commerce, customer service, and marketing. The day concluded with an inspiring session by Quico Taronjí and the presentation of the Intelligent CX Awards 2024 to several leading companies, celebrating their achievements in enhancing the customer experience. In addition to the talks and interviews, attendees had the opportunity to participate in practical sessions and workshops that covered topics such as personalizing the customer experience, AI applied to CX, and the circular economy. Participants were able to interact with experts and learn from real-world cases. The event also offered a networking space where attendees could connect with industry colleagues, share experiences, and establish business relationships. Informal conversations and collaboration opportunities were an integral part of the day. CONCLUSION With the presence of numerous attendees, the event was a great success, reflecting the growing interest and importance of customer experience in today’s business environment. We thank SAP and SAP CX for organizing this event and providing us with a platform to share our ideas and learn from the best in the industry. For more details on the event and our upcoming initiatives, stay tuned for updates on our blog and social media channels. We look forward to returning next year with even more innovations and insights to share. Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of customer experience and drive digital transformation. Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

SAP BTP Integration Keys: Reflections from the AUSAPE Webinar with Emilio Osete

We recently had the privilege of participating in an interesting webinar organized by AUSAPE and focused on SAP BTP. In it, the complexities and opportunities of integrating solutions into the vast SAP ecosystem were thoroughly explored. One of the featured speakers was Emilio Osete, our CEO, who shared the following reflections: The importance of continuous learning: need to thoroughly understand the solutions available on the market and how they can be effectively integrated with the SAP ecosystem. With so many options available, it is essential to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments, in order to optimize our processes. Product evolution and user experience: How the experience of having worked with different suites provides valuable insight into product evolution. Adapting to these changes and understanding the changing needs of users is critical to long-term success. With so many options available, it is essential to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments, in order to optimize our processes. The integration challenge: Osete showed the complexity of integrating multiple solutions into the SAP ecosystem. From adapting existing systems to proactively monitoring for errors and discrepancies, it’s clear that effective integration requires a solid strategy and proactive approach. CURRENT AND FUTURE STATUS In summary, this webinar gave us a deep insight into the current status and future of solution integration in the SAP universe. As a partner specialized in SAP Customer Experience solutions, we are committed to excellence and innovation and we are here to accelerate the growth of your business. It is clear that effective integration requires a solid strategy and a proactive approach. Please feel free to contact us to continue this conversation. Did you miss the webinar? Don’t worry! We leave you the video below: https://youtu.be/ckZgVsoA4C8 Thanks to AUSAPE for organizing this event and to Emilio Osete for sharing his experience! Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

Digiu Digital was invited to the CX Kick-Off at SAP’s offices in Barcelona along with other strategic partners

During this meeting, we reviewed the achievements of the successful 2023 in SAP Customer Experience (CX) and addressed the strategy for 2024. The goal is clear: Strong growth in both CX and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) areas. The primary focus for this new year is on Artificial Intelligence, which will guide a significant portion of SAP’s investment in these areas. SAP TEAM We want to express our gratitude to the SAP team: Ghafour Charkaoui, Alfonso Garcia, Jaime Rodríguez Bartolomé, María Jesús Santiago Martínez, Marco Trezzi, Carlos Martin, Paolo Duci, Georgia Ferullo Rita, Jose Angel Garcia, Tippy Lotterer, and Gustavo Castro. And on behalf of Digiu Digital: Mayra Falcón Arias, Raquel Jiménez Martín, and Emilio Osete. Let’s go for a successful 2024! Emilio Osete & Mayra Falcon Phygital SAP Team & Partners Kick-Off Meeting Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions

Interview with CEO Emilio Osete about the Evolution and Future of Customer Experience

In this post we would like to share with you the interview that IT Trends magazine did with our CEO, Emilio Osete. In it, Emilio addresses the transformation that the company has undergone since its inception and what the trajectory has been like until it became the only consulting firm focused 100% on the implementation of solutions and sale of Customer Experience licenses, SAP’s fastest growing area. , along with BTP. Below I present some of the main reflections of our CEO: Personalization, digital channels and artificial intelligence are key right now. In no time, AI will transform the customer experience. Efficiency is vital, but customer experience is at the heart and will significantly influence the future of business. LEADERS IN SAP CX IN SOUTHERN EUROPE The interview reveals Digiu Digital’s strong position as a leader in digital transformation. A company committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, with a unique ability to anticipate trends, adapt to changes and collaborate closely with our customers to drive success in a constantly evolving digital world. You can watch the entire interview below. https://youtu.be/yylYj36zBPQ Be Digiu. Be Digital At Digiu Digital, we believe in making digitization as simple as possible. We want to take your business to the next level in the digital world. We are experts in e-Commerce and digital transformation, with more than 18 years of experience and more than 500 innovative projects in more than 25 countries, being CX leaders in Southern Europe. Contact us and discover how we can simplify digitalization for your company. Discover our solutions