Digiu Digital

Cristiane Camara

Women Leading the Way: Digiudigital empowers Women in Tech

Women Leading the Way: Digiu Digital empowers Women in Tech

Meet exceptional women leading the way at Digiu Digital Group – Digiu Digital, Meister, and Medikus, where innovation and diversity thrive. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the influence and contributions of women are indispensable for driving innovation and progress. At Digiu Digital Group, we take pride in fostering an environment where women not only succeed but lead with excellence. Today, let’s introduce you to remarkable women from different branches of our tech family. Interview with Larissa Pereira Ramos de Oliveira – Chief Technology Officer at Digiu Digital Group Q1: How did your journey as a woman in technology begin, and what led you to become the CTO at Digiu Digital Group? Larissa: “My journey started with a curiosity for technology and a passion for solving problems. I immersed myself in learning, always seeking new challenges. Digiu Digital Group recognized my potential, providing me with a platform to grow and lead. As CTO, I oversee the technical vision and strategy, mentoring and inspiring other women in tech.” Q2: What projects or initiatives are you most proud of at Digiu Digital Group, reflecting the company’s values and mission? Larissa: “One project I’m proud of is our commitment to innovation, showcased in Digiu Digital Solutions. This reflects our values of collaboration and customer satisfaction. It aligns with our mission to make digitalization as simple as possible, assisting businesses in the valuable move of automating and modernizing their processes for Digital Customer Experience.” Q3: What challenges or barriers did you face or overcome as a woman in technology, and what advice would you give to aspiring women in tech? Larissa: “Facing challenges like a lack of representation and mentorship, I overcame stereotypes, biases, and doubts. My advice to aspiring women in tech: believe in yourself, pursue your passion, and seek mentors who guide and support you. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do.” Interview with Laura Sofia Funez Iscoa – Business Analyst at Digiu Digital Group Q1: What inspired you to pursue a career in technology, and what skills or competencies do you use or develop as a business analyst? Laura: “What inspired me was the fact that we live in a technological world that is constantly changing, and I find that super interesting. As a business analyst, I use skills like analytical thinking a project managing, along with learning about different technologies, also a big skill that I’ve developed more is the ability of adapting myself to different scenarios, since each project is very different.” Q2: How do you collaborate with teams or departments at Digiu Digital Group, and what are the benefits or challenges of working in a cross-functional environment? Laura: “When participating in certain projects, the collaboration between the development team and others such as marketing and design tend to be more frequent because we need to ensure that all the requirements and needs of the customer are met. The benefits would be the exchange of ideas, knowledge, perspectives, and feedback. The challenges would be the assertiveness to communicate an idea and coordinate the teams to work as one..” Q3: How does Digiu Digital Group support your professional growth, and what goals do you have as a woman in tech? Laura: “Digiu Digital Group supports my growth by encouraging me to take on new challenges and also with some coaching during this process. My goals are to expand my habilities, learn more, improve as a leader so I can help contributing to form a more diverse environment in the tech industry.” Interview with Laíse Pereira – Business Analyst at Digiu Digital Group Q1: What projects or tasks do you work on as a business analyst, and how do they relate to the company’s vision and objectives? Laíse: “Working on analysis, documentation, and validation of business processes, I contribute to delivering high-quality, innovative, and customer-centric solutions aligning with the company’s vision and objectives.” Q2: What tools or methodologies do you use as a business analyst, and how do they help you in your role? Laíse: “Using tools like the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK), Agile Scrum framework, and the Unified Modeling Language (UML), these help by providing best practices, standards, and guidelines for conducting business analysis, managing projects, and communicating solutions.” Q3: How do you balance the technical and business aspects of your role, and what skills or qualities do you need as a business analyst? Laíse: “Balancing technical capabilities and limitations with business needs, I communicate effectively with both technical and business stakeholders, ensuring solutions are feasible, viable, and desirable. Skills needed include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and adaptability.” Interview with Lara Teles Nascimento – Marketing Analyst at Digiu Digital Group Q1: How do you view the intersection of marketing and technology, and what trends or opportunities do you see in this space? Lara: “The intersection we’re talking about highlights how technology not just enables, but actually amplifies our marketing strategies. When we look at current trends such as data-driven marketing, leveraging digital platforms, social media engagement, and content creation, they all open up incredible opportunities. These tools allow us to connect with a much broader audience more effectively, and that’s always a crucial aspect of our work” Q2: What tools or platforms do you leverage as a marketing analyst, and how do they help you? Lara: “Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, WordPress… There’s a lot! They empower me to not only create and manage various marketing campaigns but also to monitor them closely. With these at my disposal, I can delve deep into analyzing marketing data, report on the insights I gather, and craft and publish engaging marketing content.” Q3: How do you align your marketing goals with the company’s goals and values, and what challenges or successes have you experienced as a marketing analyst? Lara: “Our approach in marketing centers on aligning communication goals with the core values of our company. This understanding is crucial for creating marketing messages that truly resonate with our target audience. Of course, the journey is not without its challenges. …

Women Leading the Way: Digiu Digital empowers Women in Tech Read More »

Descubre la Revolución de la IA en el Comercio Electrónico con ISS

AI’s Game-Changing Role in E-Commerce – The Real Inside Story

The digital commerce space is a dynamic and competitive landscape where businesses continually seek to innovate and improve their customer engagement. One of the most significant advancements in this space is the emergence of Intelligent Selling Services (ISS) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). What are Intelligent Selling Services? Intelligent Selling Services (ISS) are systems designed to enhance the online shopping experience through personalized product recommendations. These services leverage AI, specifically machine learning algorithms, to analyze and understand customer behavior, including browsing patterns and purchase history. By doing so, ISS can predict customer preferences and suggest products that are more likely to be of interest to each shopper. AI as the driving force At the core of ISS lies Artificial Intelligence, a technology that mimics human cognition to make decisions and improve over time. AI in ISS is responsible for: Data Analysis: AI processes vast amounts of data to identify trends and customer preferences. Learning from interactions: Every customer interaction is an opportunity for the AI to learn and refine its recommendations. Automation: AI automates the process of cross-selling and upselling, making it more efficient. Importance of ISS in Today’s Market In the current market, customer expectations are higher than ever. They seek not just products, but personalized experiences that make shopping convenient and enjoyable. ISS meets these expectations by: Enhancing customer engagement: ISS keeps customers engaged by showing them products that align with their interests. Increasing sales opportunities: Personalized recommendations can lead to the discovery of new products, increasing the potential for sales. Streamlining the shopping experience: By understanding customer needs, ISS simplifies the path to purchase. Digiu Digital’s role in ISS Implementation Digiu Digital, with its expertise in digital transformation and e-commerce, is uniquely positioned to implement ISS solutions for businesses looking to upgrade their digital commerce strategies. Here’s how Digiu Digital aligns with ISS:   SAP Customer Experience (CX) solutions: as experts in SAP Customer Experience, Digiu Digital can integrate ISS within the existing digital infrastructure of a business, ensuring a seamless CX. Customization and personalization: Digiu Digital’s approach to ISS is highly personalized, tailoring solutions to each business’s unique needs and customer behaviors. Ongoing support and optimization: the consultancy provides continuous support and uses business intelligence to optimize ISS functionalities, ensuring that the recommendations remain relevant and effective. The integration of Intelligent Selling Services into e-commerce platforms is more than just a trend; it’s a transformative step towards more intelligent, customer-centric shopping experiences. As businesses strive to remain competitive, the expertise of Digiu Digital in deploying AI-powered solutions like ISS is invaluable. By embracing ISS, businesses can not only meet the demands of the digital-savvy consumer but also pave the way for increased sales, enhanced customer loyalty, and a more robust digital commerce presence.